Hey everyone! Supporting Children in Need, SCN, is a club at Lowell that is aimed towards helping to support groups of unprivileged children to the best of our ability. We focus on partnering with different organizations, and creating different projects to help provide support in many different ways. We have meetings every 1st & 3rd Thursdays @ 4:10! If you are interested in joining, fill out the form in our instagram bio @lowellscn. Hope to see you there!
Meetings: We meet every Tuesday at Class room #257 and 3:50-4:30
President: Enkhiinkhuslen Tegshjargal 2606 Daniel supmitchotima 2505
Vice President: Ashley Young 2503
Other Officers: Aiden Yuen co-Treasurer Aaron Ling co-Treasurer Karli Cheung Secretary Elise Tam Public Relations